Free Postal Entry
To enter your free postal entry to Win Me A Prize, send an unenclosed postcard by first or second class post to
us at the following address:
Red Rocks Technology Ltd.
Office 131437,
PO Box 7169,
BH15 9EL
Hand delivered entries will not be accepted and will not be entered into the random draw;
Please note, you must include the following information and it MUST match the information in your account:
- Your First name and Post Code
- Your User ID (This is available in your account details and will look something like: cfa2f20f-28f1-4ab5-914c-7c2fb36d06d3 ensure that it is correct or we wont be able to find you)
- Confirm that your contact details are correct on your account
- Your answer to the competition question (if there is one)
- The Number of the competition you are entering
Incomplete or illegible entries will be disqualified
You may make multiple free entries for any competition (up to any limit placed on entries by the Promoter) but each free entry must be submitted and posted to the Promoter separately. Bulk entries in one envelope will not be accepted as multiple entries and if a bulk entry is received, it will be counted as one single entry;
By entering the competition, you are confirming that you are eligible to enter and accept these terms and conditions
Your entry must be received by the Promoter prior to the Closing Date. Entries received after the Closing Date will not be entered into the random draw. Proof of posting does not guarantee that you will be entered into the random draw
The Promoter will not acknowledge receipt of your entry nor confirm if your answer to the Competition Question is correct
If the number of entries received reaches any cap or limit before your free entry is received, you will not be entered into the random draw
Please ensure you have read our Terms and Conditions, FAQ's, Acceptable Use Policy, Terms of use and Privacy Policy before entering.
Links to these are provided below.